Budgeting tip of the day
Save the pages you’ve printed out that you’d normally throw away. The backs make great coloring / note paper.
Budgeting tip of the day
Ask your utility companies to standardize your bills: You pay the same amount each month. (Thanks, @frugaldad!)
Quote from Seth Godin
“It’s amazing that people have so much time to fret about today’s emergency but almost no time at all to avoid tomorrow’s.” Seth Godin: How Far Away Is Your Emergency?
Update: the site’s back up and running
Update: the site’s back up and running. The tech support at Media Temple said that we didn’t need to do anything to get our site back up. So we didn’t do anything, trusting they’d take care of it. Apparently, we did need to do something: we needed to bug them. Frustrated that the site was […]
We’re continuing to have trouble with our servers
We’re continuing to have trouble with our servers. Working with our hosting company as I type this. Hopefully, we’ll have it resolved soon. In the meantime, have you been outside today? Gorgeous! Go take a walk and enjoy the sun, and we’ll get this all sorted out for you.
Budgeting tip of the day
Get off of catalogs’ mailing lists. Stop the temptation before it even enters your house. (Thanks @gtbsharon!)
Check out TipJar
If you like our ‘budgeting tip of the day’, you should check out TipJar: http://moderator.appspot.com/#16/e=3cfc
Budgeting tip of the day
Have a separate binder/filebox for all tax-related papers. As they come in the door, drop ’em in. All in 1 place.
Budgeting tip of the day
Note when your car’s tags and inspection are due. Put them on your calendar with a reminder. (Thanks, @trenttsd!)
Don’t Buy Stuff You Cannot Afford
Don’t Buy Stuff You Cannot Afford