Review from Bouvard et la Fins
From Bouvard et la Fins: The webish idiom. In reviewing Plotbot and PearBudget, Bouvard (I think?) notes: Both of these applications [Plotbot and PearBudget] do something fairly remarkable: they take big-picture tasks (screenwriting and budgeting, respectively) that would quickly sprawl out into feature-creeping nightmares if they were developed on the desktop, apply the Unix Philosophy, […]
Saving Money On A Road Trip With Kids
Saving Money On A Road Trip With Kids
Quote from Meredith
“Going without is not a poverty mindset.” Meredith, from Like Merchant Ships, posting at Simple Mom: How to be frugal and still keep it simple
Budgeting Tip of the Day Update
I’d love to hear any dissenting opinions, but for now, we’re going to stop feeding the “Budgeting tip of the day” on the blog. You can still subscribe to our Twitterstream (, or you can subscribe (by RSS) to just the Budgeting Tip of the Day (by adding this feed — — to your […]
Budgeting tip of the day
Put handtowels by the kitchen sink to dry your hands. It’ll cut down a *lot* on the paper towels you need to buy.
Budgeting tip of the day
Set your fridge/freezer to only be as cold as they NEED to be. Otherwise, you’re wasting electricity *and* money.
Superfun post
Superfun post (here) from Emily, at Not Finished Yet. She notes, “So, I tried Pear Budget, and I decided that — it’s awesome. Today I signed up for a whole year of the service. It cost me a whopping $30. That’s it! Woo-hoo! I feel good!” She goes on to describe some of the stuff […]
Budgeting tip of the day
Don’t focus on the stuff you can’t buy. Focus on the goals you’re working towards. I know: It’s *hard*. Try it?
Budgeting tip of the day
First: “Reduce.” Second: “Reuse.” Third: “Recycle.” (ht @frugalhacks
Budgeting tip of the day
Cable costs over *$700 a year*. Is that worth it to you? Maybe. Maybe not. Be intentional about your purchases.