A Sly Way to Enter Dates in PearBudget
Of course you know how to type in the month, date, and year of a receipt, or to choose the correct date by using the drop-down calendar. But did you know that PearBudget has a super-fast shortcut for entering a receipt from the current month? It’s true! Say it happens to be Monday, January 14th, […]
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Where Do I Enter Irregular Expenses?
Irregular expenses are entered in just like monthly expenses. When you’re planning your budget, you’ll tell PearBudget how much you’d like to assign to that category on the Plan page. (Let’s say it’s $50 towards “new lawn mower”). Over the months, as you set aside more, the amount available in “new lawn mower” will grow. […]
If that didn’t answer your question, get in touch with us by e-mail, at help@pearbudget.com.
Backing Up … Your Gift Cards
Photo by Neff Conner Maybe you got a store gift card at Christmas, or you returned some merchandise to the store and got a card with store credit. Cards with store credit are great in lots of ways, but one of their downsides is that — unless you have a good place in your house […]