PearBudget beautiful, simple budgeting. (This is our blog.)

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Update: We were able to get the site up not too long after we posted this

Update: We were able to get the site up not too long after we posted this. (We don’t want you thinking the site’s still down!) Many of you have probably already seen a few tweets from us about some downtime we’re having today. I wanted to post a quick note here for those of you […]

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Pricing Changes for PearBudget

Just a quick announcement regarding PearBudget pricing. These types of notes are never fun to write. I’ll start off with the good news, then. If you currently have an account with PearBudget, your subscription price will not be changing! You signed on at a certain price point ($3/month or $30/year), and we are going to […]

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Skype with us

We know that, sometimes, e-mail doesn’t cut it. A few days ago, I gave you my cell number, to call if you have questions that are best served by phone. There are also times when being able to share your screen in real-time is important, or when you might otherwise need to do a video […]

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Twitter love

We love you, too, Donna!

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Setting up 2011 (part 2)

The other day, we mentioned that we’d roll out a page for you to use to set up 2011. We’ve got it in place, at You’ll see a table with: each of your irregular categories the amount you spent on each category last year the average you spent per month (and how many months […]

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