PearBudget beautiful, simple budgeting. (This is our blog.)

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A Sly Way to Enter Dates in PearBudget

Of course you know how to type in the month, date, and year of a receipt, or to choose the correct date by using the drop-down calendar. But did you know that PearBudget has a super-fast shortcut for entering a receipt from the current month? It’s true! Say it happens to be Monday, January 14th, […]

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Where Do I Enter Irregular Expenses?

Irregular expenses are entered in just like monthly expenses. When you’re planning your budget, you’ll tell PearBudget how much you’d like to assign to that category on the Plan page. (Let’s say it’s $50 towards “new lawn mower”). Over the months, as you set aside more, the amount available in “new lawn mower” will grow. […]

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Having Trouble Logging in On the iPhone?

We’ve had a lot of e-mails recently from users who’ve had trouble getting in to their PearBudget accounts on their iPhones. “I entered my password,” they write, “and it wouldn’t let me in. What’s going on?” Ack. That’s terrible! Nobody wants to be cut off from their account. Weirdly, though, this isn’t a bug with […]

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How does editing this month’s plan affect past and future months?

Each month is its own special plan, built off the previous month’s plan. Editing a month won’t change past months. Let’s give an example. Say you were spending $200 on car gas for January through March, and in April gas spikes and you’re now paying $275, we want you to be able to adjust April, […]

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That’s my number. (804) 814-2064. It’s my cell. Like, the number Sarah uses to tell me to pick up bread when I’m in town. It’s also, now, the number you can use to reach me. I want to make sure that if you have questions, or if there’s anything else I can help you with, […]

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Tabbing to the Dropdown Field on a Mac

I’ve gotten a few e-mails from people who say something like the following: “I use PearBudget at home (on a PC) and at work (on a Mac). At home (on the PC), I can use the Tab key on my keyboard to tab over to the ‘category’ dropdown. At work, though, my Tab key skips […]

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Setting up the PearBudget spreadsheet for a new year

If you’ve been using the PearBudget spreadsheet for a year (or more) and would like to start a new blank year, here are the steps you can follow for a smooth transition. Step 1 – Get a fresh copy of the PearBudget spreadsheet. You can download it (for free) here: – When you save […]

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How do I add a recurring receipt?

If you’ve got a category with a receipt amount that occurs monthly on the same date (like a mortgage payment or utility bill), you can set up a recurring receipt in PearBudget to automatically create this receipt every month, so you don’t have to enter it yourself. Here’s how! First, go to either the “Plan […]

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I’m having some trouble. What should I do?

The best thing you can do is to shoot us a note ( and let us know the page you were on and what you were trying to do. It’s really helpful if you can tell us what kind of computer you’re using (Mac or PC), as well as what browser you’re using.

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What browsers does PearBudget work on? What operating systems? Will it work with my computer?

PearBudget will work with both PCs and with Macs. Because it’s all online, there’s no software for you to download or worry about. PearBudget will work with Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer (versions 7 and higher). If you use Internet Explorer, we recommend upgrading (for free) to the latest version, here: Free Internet Explorer […]

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