In NYC? Let’s get coffee!
Hey, friends! I’m in New York City for a few days, and would love to connect, buy you coffee, see how you use PearBudget, and get your input on how we can make PearBudget better. I’m on the Upper West Side at the moment, but can meander anywhere in Manhattan to meet up. Just e-mail […]
PearBudget Forums!
I’m really excited to announce that we have brand-new PearBudget forums! The address is pretty easy to remember: I know they’ll be a little slow at first, but I’d really love for you to go, create an account, and post a message. Have a question about budgeting? There’s a board for it! Find a […]
Some money trivia for you
Some money trivia for you: The first year the dollar sign ($) was stamped on United States coinage was 2007! (source)
Tabbing to the Dropdown Field on a Mac
I’ve gotten a few e-mails from people who say something like the following: “I use PearBudget at home (on a PC) and at work (on a Mac). At home (on the PC), I can use the Tab key on my keyboard to tab over to the ‘category’ dropdown. At work, though, my Tab key skips […]
If that didn’t answer your question, get in touch with us by e-mail, at
A Giveaway! Also, Two Personal Finance Books You Should Look Into. Did I Mention the Giveaway?
So … we’re giving away a free book. Read on for more … A lot of personal finance books are smarmy, poorly-written, or contain terrible advice (Rich Dad, Poor Dad, I’m looking in your general direction!). I wanted to point out two new personal finance books that are absolutely worth checking out — either buying […]