How do credit card companies know when fraudulent charges are being made?
Curious about how credit card companies know when fraudulent charges are being made on your card? There’s a good explanation from someone who used to work in a fraud department for a credit card over at MetaFilter: I used to work fraud detection for a shall-not-be-named card service department, so I can walk you through […]
Products I use and love
The following is a post (original here) from one of our users (Alex), who blogs about design, productivity, etc. at digitaldumpster. It’s always an honor to be mentioned favorably by our users, especially in a list alongside Tumblr, Dropbox, Evernote, and Backpack. (One of these days, I should write up my own “products you’ll like […]
Quote from Paul Graham
“That was a big problem for me when I had no money. I felt poor, and stuff seemed valuable, so almost instinctively I accumulated it.” Paul Graham, “Stuff”
Can we talk?
I know that when you’re starting out with PearBudget (or any kind of budgeting), it’s easy to have questions — “I get a paycheck every two weeks, not once a month … how do I handle that?”; “does PearBudget have a mobile / iPhone / Android interface?”; “how do I handle refunds?” These types of […]
Shopping Effectively Means Shopping Like My Mom
The following copy isn’t actually mine (Charlie’s). It was first posted at a men’s clothing/style blog called Put This On, here. I don’t agree with it 100%, but I thought it was really good, and wanted to share it with all of you. I especially like the section about not confusing price and value. Here […]
How Visa Predicts Divorce
How Visa Predicts Divorce (via jonathan-deamer > caterpillarcowboy)