An Early Present (easy protection from ID theft)
If you lose your wallet, you’re in trouble. You have a whole bunch of cards (credit cards, but also library cards, work ID cards, and so on) that you need to cancel and replace. And with the looming spectres of ID theft and credit card fraud, the problems associated with losing your wallet can get […]
The Lost Rule of Organizing
This post doesn’t have a lot to do with personal finance, although it’s tangentially related, and if you’re into personal finance, you’re probably into general life organization as well (or, at least, you aspire to having an organized life). I’ve been meaning to post a link to this for almost a week now. Simple Notebook […]
Man vs. Debt has a good piece on selling stuff on eBay
Man vs. Debt has a good piece on how to sell stuff on eBay. The author of the piece (it’s a guest post) paid off $15,000 in 9 months (!). Holy cats (!!!!). If you’re like me, and you think “I should really get with the selling-on-eBay-thing,” it’s a good post to read. Obviously, she […]
Recurring receipt announcement
If you have a recurring receipt (see your recurring receipts) set to run in PearBudget on the 1st of the month, could you please check your receipts page and delete any duplicate receipts? Since today was Daylight Savings Time in the US, at 2:00 this morning, the clocks jumped back to 1:00. Every night at […]