Superfun post (here) from Emily, at Not Finished Yet. She notes, “So, I tried Pear Budget, and I decided that — it’s awesome. Today I signed up for a whole year of the service. It cost me a whopping $30. That’s it! Woo-hoo! I feel good!”
She goes on to describe some of the stuff she likes (tagging, for example), and then she drops this gem: “Maybe I’m getting excited over a little thing here, but I think that’s really cool. It’s fun! And if it’s fun then I will do it. I don’t do boring very well. In fact, as evidenced by the complete lack of ‘doing’ on my 2008 taxes until I had to, I don’t do boring AT ALL. So, a little ‘fun’ is a very good thing for me and my finances.”
Yay, Emily! Thanks for the review! (And for everyone else, you can read it here.