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Starting your new year!

Hello PearBudget friends!

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, we don’t blog all that often, but we did want to make sure that everyone had the chance to set up their budget for the new year. This page, available at the link below, will walk you through setting goals for the amounts you’d like to set aside for each of your irregular categories during 2018. It’ll also allow you to choose whether or not to carry your 2018 balances into 2019. If you’d like to start with $0 balances for 2019, just make sure all of the checkboxes are unchecked.

Once you set up those options, PearBudget will recommend new amounts for you to set aside for your irregular categories. You’ll need to tweak those yourself in your January budget, and then they will carry over from month to month from there.

Happy New Year!

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