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Setting up 2011 (part 2)

The other day, we mentioned that we’d roll out a page for you to use to set up 2011.

We’ve got it in place, at

You’ll see a table with:

  • each of your irregular categories
  • the amount you spent on each category last year
  • the average you spent per month (and how many months that category was active)
  • a column where you can enter what you expect to spend in 2011
  • a column where you can tell PearBudget whether you want to carry that category’s balance into 20011, or whether you want to start that category from $0

We’re working on a few more tweaks to the Plan page for January, but we’ll allow you to edit that page soon, so you can see your 2011 planned irregulars in the context of your other monthly spending. We’ll post again, here, once that’s ready.

If you have any questions, please e-mail me ( or give me a call (804.814.2064).


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