PearBudget beautiful, simple budgeting. (This is our blog.)

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It’s not you. It’s us. Kind of.

Update: looks like we’re back up. Head on over to your account at

If you’ve tried to access your PearBudget account over the last day, you’ll have seen that the server is down. This is an issue at our hosting company, Media Temple. They have a team of engineers working on it, and, presumably, will have it resolved soon. Also, they’ve assured us that they’ll be moving PearBudget to a faster, more stable server as soon as they can.

I want to apologize to all of you who’ve been thwarted as you’ve tried to get to your budget last night and today. I know that it’s often hard to get into “budgeting mode,” and that even small barriers can serve as great excuses to not do it. We’ve tried to make PearBudget into a tool that eliminates those barriers as much as possible. The irony of this situation — that we’re the ones keeping you from budgeting — isn’t lost on us. We’re really sorry that the issues at Media Temple are affecting us, and (more important) that they’re, in turn, affecting you.

Even with the promises of the faster and more stable server, we’re again looking into other hosting options. One of the issues in moving to a new hosting company is that we don’t have a dedicated system administrator on-hand. Honestly, I think describing me (Charlie) as a “programmer” is a bit generous. Most of the hosting companies we’d be considering are built for companies who have sysadmins who know how to manage and control the servers. I’m always up for learning new skills; I’m also realistic about my limitations. Also, the more time I spend sysadmining, the less time I have to do customer service, and the less time I have to develop new features. But if that’s what it takes, then that’s what it takes.

Back to the meat of it. I’m posting updates, as I have them, on our Twitter stream, @pearbudget. And if you feel like sending @mediatemple a note about how this is inconveniencing you, well … I don’t think that’d hurt.

In the meantime, please feel free to e-mail me (, or to send me a tweet (either @pearbudget or @charliepark) if you have any questions, and I’ll do my best to get back to you as quickly as possible.

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