The following is a post (original here) from one of our users (Alex), who blogs about design, productivity, etc. at digitaldumpster. It’s always an honor to be mentioned favorably by our users, especially in a list alongside Tumblr, Dropbox, Evernote, and Backpack. (One of these days, I should write up my own “products you’ll like if you like PearBudget” list.) Anyway, thanks, Alex!
Lightroom & Photoshop- Necessary for photographers.
Tumblr– The simple and useful blogging service.
Teux Deux– To-do list managers are everywhere. This one is the one I am using these days.
Evernote– Helps for capturing ideas and inspiration on the go with my Droid.
Backpack– Helps me organize my life, school and business.
Pearbudget– Managing your money cannot get any easier.
Dropbox– Eliminates the need for thumb drives!
There are more but these are essentials and used daily.