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Twitter love

We love you, too, Donna!

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“I foresee another credit crisis.”

dbreunig: I foresee another credit crisis. (Via io9)

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The Lost Rule of Organizing

This post doesn’t have a lot to do with personal finance, although it’s tangentially related, and if you’re into personal finance, you’re probably into general life organization as well (or, at least, you aspire to having an organized life). I’ve been meaning to post a link to this for almost a week now. Simple Notebook […]

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Best Pie Chart Ever

via ayjay, via Dry Creek Chronicles

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Tool Lending

Via unconsumption: “The Northeast Portland Tool Library is a non profit lending library of tools located at NE 20th and Killingsworth Sreet. Open on Saturdays and Wednesdays, the checkout of the tools is free; it works just like a lending library for books. It began a year ago with 100 members and has now exceeded […]

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Let’s think about something happy.

Let’s think about something happy. These are our little girls! Frances (2), Lucy (5), and Kate (2)

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40 Days of Water

This notice is about to scroll off the main page of the blog, so I wanted to re-post it. In case you missed it the first time: You can get a month and a half of free PearBudgeting if you 1) do a non-water-drink-fast with us and 2) donate the money you save to help […]

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