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You probably know about MetaFilter

You probably know about MetaFilter. You might know about Ask MetaFilter. Essentially, you have a lot of smart, savvy, curious people, asking questions and then helping each other out. If you’re familiar with Yahoo! Answers, it’s like that, but without the “how is babby formed?????” questions. It’s a fantastic resource.

Anyway, as you’d expect, a lot of people ask questions about money / life / relationships. And, as literate people are wont to do, the MetaFilter members answering the questions often recommend books to help explain the issues surrounding those questions.

One member of the MetaFilter community looked at all questions from the “work and money” category, submitted over five years (close to 7,000 pages), and counted up all of the books recommended by MetaFilter members. Most of these books (there are 40 in all) are ones you’ve maybe heard of (What Color is Your Parachute, Your Money Or Your Life, and A Random Walk Down Wall Street are the top three), but there are a number of books that are probably new to you. If you’re into reading personal finance books (I’m not, actually), you would do well to check out the list. You can see it here:

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