If you’ve been using the PearBudget spreadsheet for a year (or more) and would like to start a new blank year, here are the steps you can follow for a smooth transition.
Step 1
– Get a fresh copy of the PearBudget spreadsheet. You can download it (for free) here: https://pearbudget.com/spreadsheet
– When you save it to your computer, you’ll probably want to name it something like “2012 budget” so you don’t get it confused with your old budget(s).
Step 2
– Open up both your NEW and your OLD copies of the spreadsheet.
– Go to the “start here” tab on both spreadsheets
Step 3
– Click and drag your mouse over the OLD spreadsheet’s “variable” category names, selecting multiple cells in the spreadsheet
– Right click (or hit Command+C) to COPY the cells, and then go to the NEW spreadsheet and PASTE them in (Command + V or right-click and select “paste”)
Step 4
– Repeat that process with your “regular” and “irregular” categories, and the “amounts to budget” section for each group of categories.
That should set you up with a brand new copy of your budget for a new year. At any point, you can make modifications to it, in case you need to budget more or less for a category, or add a new category, or whatever. Don’t forget to save the new spreadsheet as you go along!